Xbox Adaptive Controller Overview
The Xbox Adaptive Controller is a gaming rig that has ports for plugging in adaptive joysticks and accessibility switches that replace the controls on a standard video game controller. The joysticks can either be plugged into the USB ports or into analog ports on the Xbox Adaptive Controller. Any standard accessibility switch is compatible with the switch ports on the device. There will need to be a joystick or switch connected for every single control a person will need to access for a specific game. There are two important components for optimizing the set up with the Xbox Adaptive Controller:
1) Correct selection of the joysticks and switches that are easiest to access for the user
2) Optimal placement of the joysticks and switches in locations which are easiest for the user to access
One of the strengths of this device is the large number of accessible joysticks and switches that are compatible with it, providing a lot of options for customization. It can also be used alongside a standard controller on Xbox using Co-Pilot to supplement players who are only partially able to access a standard controller. The Xbox Adaptive Controller is a very simple device to set up and use. However, it is difficult to play some of the more complex and high paced games with this device alone, using only adaptive switches and joysticks. This point is important to keep in mind for users interested in playing first-person shooter and other complex games. The ease of set up and use often makes this an attractive controller option but it may not be best as a stand alone controller for users who want to play fast paced and complex games. Please see the video playlist above for an overview of the Xbox Adaptive Controller.

The Xbox Adaptive Controller can be ordered from multiple sites but can also be ordered directly from Microsoft. The most difficult thing about ordering the Xbox Adaptive Controller is determining what switches and joysticks to order. Below are linked many of the most common and affordable options for ordering joysticks and switches that are compatible with the Xbox Adaptive Controller. See this YouTube video for an overview of joystick options.

Compatible Joysticks and Switches

Getting Started
The Xbox Adaptive Controller is very simple to set up and use. The main components for setting up the Xbox Adaptive Controller for a user are: 1) connecting to the console and plugging in the joysticks and switches, 2) assembling the controls in front of the user, 3) adjusting settings on the controller if needed, and 4) setting up Copilot if using it alongside a standard controller.
The Xbox Adaptive Controller connects to the Xbox similar to how a standard controller would be connected either wirelessly or via USB. If using a console other than the Xbox, please see the Controller Connect Tool on how to connect the Xbox Adaptive Controller to different consoles. After it is connected to a console, plug in the adaptive joysticks and switches, and place them in an accessible location in front of the user. Different ports are available on the Xbox for connecting joysticks and switches.
One of the more difficult things to figure out is how to place the controls in front of the user. Some common methods for doing this are by using a lap tray, the Trabasack Curve Connect, wheelchair tray table, over the bed table, or mounting system. The lap tray, wheelchair tray table, and over the bed table are great options for set ups which have many different joystick and switch attachments. The switches and joysticks can be Velcroed directly to the surface of the table to keep them in place. If someone is using the Xbox Adaptive Controller alone, without any switches or joysticks attached, it can be directly mounted to a chair or table using a RAM mount or ModularHose Mounting Attachment.
There are some settings on the Xbox Adaptive Controller than can be adjusted to further optimize the experience for a specific user. These include options for remapping buttons on the controller to different locations, creating different profiles for different games, and assigning one of the buttons to work as a shift key that will temporarily change the function of the other buttons when it is held down. All these settings can be enabled and adjusted in the Xbox Accessories App. Please see the video for directions on adjusting settings on the Xbox Adaptive Controller.
Copilot allows two controllers to be linked together to control one user profile. This works great for users who are only able to partially access the controls on a standard Xbox controller. For the buttons and joysticks that they are unable to access, the user can plug in accessible joysticks or switches into the Xbox Adaptive Controller and place them in an accessible location. Then the Xbox Adaptive Controller can be linked with the standard controller using Copilot so that the controls can be used together to play a game. Step-by-step instructions for setting up Copilot can be found in the video and are also listed here.